
Friday, August 9, 2019

Explaining how to play netball and how it works


How to play Netball and how it works
BY Jasmine...                                                           

Netball is competitive but yet a very fun and enjoyable game to play.
You would most likely play it outdoors or indoors on a court, there is usually up to5 to 6 players max in a team and at least 1 sub in case someone gets pulled off or injured during the game

How to shoot a goal: Raise the ball to the hoop aim very carefully when you shoot if you miss then try to catch the rebound. A rebound is when the ball bounces off the ring of the hoop. If you catch the rebound then you can try and shoot again and again until either you get a goal or drop it and the other team gets the ball.

How Defense, Attack, and center work:
With attack, you are the main person that has to try to shoot goals for your team. And for defense, you have to try to block the other team when they have the ball so they can’t get a goal. For center, you can go anywhere on the court apart from the goal area.

What a replay ball and a stand-down and stepping means for netball:
A replay ball means when there is an aspect of an incorrect ball. A stand-down means there was contact between 2 players or they were too close to each other. This means the player that caused contact with the other player has to stand 0.9m (3ft) away from the player with the ball. Stepping is when you have the ball and you move your foot or step with the ball  while it’s in your hand that’s why you have to pivot which is where you land on 2 feet or one foot and the foot you land on you have to turn carefully with that foot and pass the ball to another player.

In conclusion, netball is an outdoor or indoor interactive game that’s very fun and enjoyable to play. It is a very popular game that gets played everywhere around the world and involves lots of joy. You can also learn to get better and better at netball. At certain things that involve netball, I recommend it. It’s very fun to play… 

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